
Today's bible teaching: He who walks with wise men will be wise,but the companion of fools will suffer harm



*Proverbs 13:20 -*
*He who walks with wise men will be wise,but the companion of fools will suffer harm.*

This verse is a simple reminder that we are product of the people we surround ourselves with. If you want to grow personally and spiritually you need to nurture friendships with people that have similar goals.

You are company that you keep. Though you may be wise, foolish friends will eventually destroy you. Though you may be foolish, wise friends will show and teach you success. This is an easy way to prosper. Get rid of foolish friends, and choose the wise for friends. You will grow in wisdom and avoid much trouble in life.

Fools cannot be real friends to a child of God. It is impossible, for they are incompatible by nature. They have nothing of value to offer.

Beloved, may God expose every foolish friends in your life and project you to the platform of wise friends. The best friend you need above all others is Jesus Christ. Jesus is full of wisdom and you will be wise as you walk with Him daily. You are blessed and lifted for life.


*Happy New Week*



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