
Fayose Approves The Disbursement Of N10m Loan To Ekiti State Chapter of Society of Nigerian Tailors(Photos)

Ekiti State governor,  Mr. Ayodele Fayose on Monday, at a meeting held with tailors in Ikere-Ekiti approved the disbursement of a N10m revolving loan to the Ekiti State Chapter of Society of Nigerian Tailors.
Governor Fayose who described unemployment as a threat to the collective existence of all in Nigeria said he will  continue to encourage and enhance the artisans so as to keep those with something doing on track.
After a heroic welcome to the venue of the meeting, Fayose in his address said the loan will be made available at N20,000 per member.

"Across the local governments in Ekiti, we have over 10,000 tailors, the loan will go far at N20,000 each, you will be paying back little by little so that others too can access and borrow later.
"You have proved to me that if you have better opportunities, you will make use of it, it is my duty to encourage you,  I must encourage you. You are important members of our society, you are not noisemakers, you are hard working and good looking, we are together", the governor said.
Participants at the meeting who spoke with newsmen commended the governor for remembering them even at a time like this.  Some of them who said the association has never had it so good under any other administration prayed for the success of the Ayodele Fayose administration with a reassurance of continuous support  come rain, come shine.

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