
Today's bible teaching: But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night

Psalm 1 1 Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. 2 ...

Today's praises: Praise the LORD, all you nations; extol him, all you peoples.

Psalm 117 1 Psalm 117 1 Praise the LORD, all you nations; extol him, all you peoples. 2 For great is his love toward us, and the faithfulnes...

Today's bible teaching: I will maintain my love to him forever, and my covenant with him will never fail.

Psalm 89 1 Psalm 89 A maskil  [ 1 ]  of Ethan the Ezrahite. 1 I will sing of the LORD's great love forever; with my mouth I will make yo...

Today's praises: May the peoples praise you, O God; may all the peoples praise you

Psalm 67 1 Psalm 67 For the director of music. With stringed instruments. A psalm. A song. 1 May God be gracious to us and bless us and make...

Today's prayer: Hear, O LORD, and be merciful to me; O LORD, be my help

Psalm 30 1 Psalm 30 A psalm. A song. For the dedication of the temple.  [ 1 ]  Of David. 1 I will exalt you, O LORD, for you lifted me out o...

Today's praises: Praise the LORD, all you nations; extol him, all you peoples.

Psalm 117 1 Psalm 117 1 Praise the LORD, all you nations; extol him, all you peoples. 2 For great is his love toward us, and the faithfulnes...

Today's bible teaching: For he will deliver the needy who cry out, the afflicted who have no one to help.

Psalm 72 1 Psalm 72 Of Solomon. 1 Endow the king with your justice, O God, the royal son with your righteousness. 2 He will  [ 1 ]  judge yo...

Today's prayer: Arise, LORD! Lift up your hand, O God. Do not forget the helpless.

Psalm 10 1 Psalm 10  1 Why, O LORD, do you stand far off? Why do you hide yourself in times of trouble? 2 In his arrogance the wicked man hu...

Today's praises: Praise be to God, who has not rejected my prayer or withheld his love from me

Psalm 66 1 Psalm 66 For the director of music. A song. A psalm. 1 Shout with joy to God, all the earth! 2 Sing the glory of his name; make h...

Today's praises: May the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth, bless you from Zion.

Psalm 134 1 Psalm 134 A song of ascents. 1 Praise the LORD, all you servants of the LORD who minister by night in the house of the LORD. 2 L...

Today's bible teaching: O Israel, put your hope in the LORD both now and forevermore.

Psalm 131 1 Psalm 131 A song of ascents. Of David. 1 My heart is not proud, O LORD, my eyes are not haughty; I do not concern myself with gr...

Today's bible teaching: Blessed are all who take refuge in Him.

Psalm 2 1 Psalm 2 1 Why do the nations conspire  [ 1 ]  and the peoples plot in vain? 2 The kings of the earth take their stand and the rule...

Today's praises: Let everything that has breath praise the LORD. Praise the LORD

  Psalm 150 1 Psalm 150 1 Praise the LORD.  [ 1 ]  Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty heavens. 2 Praise him for his acts ...

Today's bible teaching: The LORD says to my Lord: "Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet."

Psalm 110 1 Psalm 110 Of David. A psalm. 1 The LORD says to my Lord: "Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for yo...

Today's prayer: Save me, O LORD, from lying lips and from deceitful tongues

Psalm 120 1 Psalm 120 A song of ascents. 1 I call on the LORD in my distress, and he answers me. 2 Save me, O LORD, from lying lips and from...

Today's bible teaching: And David shepherded them with integrity of heart; with skillful hands he led them.

Psalm 78 1 Psalm 78 A maskil  [ 1 ]  of Asaph. 1 O my people, hear my teaching; listen to the words of my mouth. 2 I will open my mouth in p...

Today's prayer: Help me, O LORD my God; save me in accordance with your love

Psalm 109 1 Psalm 109 For the director of music. Of David. A psalm. 1 O God, whom I praise, do not remain silent, 2 for wicked and deceitful...

Today's prayer: Help me, O LORD my God; save me in accordance with your love

  Psalm 109 1 Psalm 109 For the director of music. Of David. A psalm. 1 O God, whom I praise, do not remain silent, 2 for wicked and deceitf...

Today's praises: I will sing to the LORD all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live

Psalm 104 1 Psalm 104 1 Praise the LORD, O my soul. O LORD my God, you are very great; you are clothed with splendor and majesty. 2 He wraps...

Today's bible teaching: The law of the LORD is perfect, reviving the soul. The statutes of the LORD are trustworthy, making wise the simple

Psalm 19 1 Psalm 19 For the director of music. A psalm of David. 1 The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his ...

Today's praises: Lift up your hands in the sanctuary and praise the LORD.

Psalm 134 1 Psalm 134 A song of ascents. 1 Praise the LORD, all you servants of the LORD who minister by night in the house of the LORD. 2 L...

Today's praises: Praise the LORD, all you nations; extol him, all you peoples.

Psalm 117 1 Psalm 117 1 Praise the LORD, all you nations; extol him, all you peoples. 2 For great is his love toward us, and the faithfulnes...

Today's praises: May the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth, bless you from Zion.

Psalm 134 1 Psalm 134 A song of ascents. 1 Praise the LORD, all you servants of the LORD who minister by night in the house of the LORD. 2 L...

Today's bible teaching: Serve the LORD with fear and rejoice with trembling

Psalm 2 1 Psalm 2 1 Why do the nations conspire  [ 1 ]  and the peoples plot in vain? 2 The kings of the earth take their stand and the rule...

Today's bible teaching: May their eyes be darkened so they cannot see, and their backs be bent forever.

Psalm 69 1 Psalm 69 For the director of music. To [the tune of] "Lilies." Of David. 1 Save me, O God, for the waters have come up ...

Today's bible teaching: Whoever is wise, let him heed these things and consider the great love of the LORD.

Psalm 107 1 Psalm 107 1 Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever. 2 Let the redeemed of the LORD say this-- those h...

Today's bible teaching: Your people settled in it, and from your bounty, O God, you provided for the poorn

Psalm 68 1 Psalm 68 For the director of music. Of David. A psalm. A song. 1 May God arise, may his enemies be scattered; may his foes flee b...

Today's bible teaching: Your people settled in it, and from your bounty, O God, you provided for the poorn

Psalm 68 1 Psalm 68 For the director of music. Of David. A psalm. A song. 1 May God arise, may his enemies be scattered; may his foes flee b...

Today's praises: Save us, O LORD our God, and gather us from the nations, that we may give thanks to your holy name and glory in your praise

Psalm 106 1 Psalm 106 1 Praise the LORD.  Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever. 2 Who can proclaim the mighty a...

Today's praises: Praise our God, O peoples, let the sound of his praise be heard

Psalm 66 1 Psalm 66 For the director of music. A song. A psalm. 1 Shout with joy to God, all the earth! 2 Sing the glory of his name; make h...

Yesterday's praises: Let everything that has breath praise the LORD. Praise the LORD

Psalm 150 1 Psalm 150 1 Praise the LORD. Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty heavens. 2 Praise him for his acts of power; ...

Today's bible teaching: Will the evildoers never learn-- those who devour my people as men eat bread and who do not call on God?

Psalm 53 1 Psalm 53 For the director of music. According to mahalath.  [ 1 ]  A maskil  [ 2 ]  of David. 1 The fool says in his heart, "...

Today's praises: Praise the LORD, all you nations; extol him, all you peoples

Psalm 117 1 Psalm 117 1 Praise the LORD, all you nations; extol him, all you peoples. 2 For great is his love toward us, and the faithfulnes...

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