
How To Easily Add The New Adsense In-feed Ad Unit To Blogger


Learn in Simple Steps, How To Easily Add The New Google AdSense In-Feed Ad Unit On Your Blogger BlogSpot Blog & Increase Your Earnings. Both beginners and advanced bloggers can get this setup done in few minutes.

Google has announced a new ad unit style which is the In-Feed ads unit. The new Ad unit is expected to bring Increase in publishers' earnings due to improved Ads functionality for the AdSense users.


Types of In-Feed Ads

In-Feed Ads Theme Selection.

Advantages of In-Feed Ad Unit

How to create In-feed ad unit in Adsense dashboard

How to add In-feed ad unit to Blogger Blogspot

Rounding Up

The new ad unit should give you better clicks and improved revenue because it is optimized to show just like posts article with snippet and Call to Action word on your homepage and archive pages.

Above is an example of the AdSense In-Feed ad unit. As an update to Blogspot bloggers, I will be showing you how to enable the in-feed Google AdSense ad unit in blogger.

You are using the same code, which I used in "Add AdSense Ads Before,Between And After Posts In Blogger Blog," this gives you room to decide where you want the in-feed ad code to show.

Types of In-Feed Ads

Google AdSense also added type/structure of In-Feed ad units. This will bring in more similarity between your blog post layout & the ad code shown.

Image Above

This ad unit is specifically for those bloggers, whose post layout is of the grid style.

Image on the side

This is the post layout most blogs use. Free Naijaloaded blogger template is a good example.

Title Above

This is quite similar to Image on the side but this introduces a title at the top. A good example is Free OgbongeBlog blogger template

Test Only

Displays only test and no image. Use this if your post structure is of the list format.

In-Feed Ads Theme Selection.

Google also added this feature to increase the functionality of the new ads unit. Many bloggers today prefer to use the white background, while others prefer dark.

Light Background

If your blog has white or any other colour similar to white as the background colour, then you should select this option.

Dark background

If you use black or any other dark colour as the background colour of your blog, you should choose this ad.

P.S it all depends on you, you could have a dark background and decide to use a light background ads.

Advantages of In-Feed Ad Unit

The new Google Ad unit comes with advantages for its publishers. This unit might just be one of the best thus far with its ability to blend to the layout of your existing template.

Many bloggers have enabled it and I guess this is because of the advantages listed below.

Increased ad unit click

Better AdSense earnings

Ad units are properly optimized

Provides an alternative to banner ads

There are other advantages of this new ad unit. Hopefully, bloggers should be getting a decent amount of money monthly.

How to create In-feed ad unit in Adsense dashboard

Go to Ad Units >> New Ad Unit.

Under the "What type of would you like to create", select "In-Feed ads".

Next is to choose the style at which your posts are being displayed on your homepage - Image above, Image on the side, Title above, Test only. This is to make sure the ad unit looks similar to your post layout. So choose the one similar to your post style.

Select the colour form of the Ad unit. If your site uses a dark colour as background choose the dark background and if you use white or anything similar, choose LightBackground.

Save (I'm done) your In-Feed Ad Code and Copy Code snippet.

How to add In-feed ad unit to Blogger Blogspot

Go to blogger.com >> Theme >> Back Up your theme >> Edit HTML.

Search for <b:loop values='data:posts' var='post'>(you will see this code more than once, you are to replace only the one under <b:includable id='main' var='top'>) replace this code with <b:loop values='data:posts' var='post' index='x'>.

Search for <div class='post-outer'> (still under <b:includable id='main' var='top'>) and replace with the long code below.

<div class='post-outer'>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;index&quot;'>
<b:if cond='data:x==1'>
<div class='post'>
<b:if cond='data:x==3'>
<div class='post'>

In-Feed Code Customizations.

Replace YOUR IN-FEED ADSENSE CODE with the In-Feed AdSense code you copied earlier. If it gives you an error, parse your code here.

Rounding Up

Making money using Google AdSense is getting easier day by day. Though they implement harsh policies on their publishers, they still stand out to be the best Affiliate program for bloggers.

If you have not been approved by Google AdSense you could give it's top alternative media.net a try. A little advice for publishers is not to use too many of this ad unit.

Having at most 2 In-Feed ad units should boost up your revenue without you unnecessarily spamming your audience with too many ads.


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