
Photo Of Released Chibokgirl Wearing Scapula,A Sacral Catholic Sacramental Goes Viral


Below is what Uche Ezechukwu,Chairman Editorial Board,The Authority shared....

'These two lucky ladies are among the 82 Chibok Girls released over the weekend and presented to the president on Sunday. The girl on the left is wearing the scapula, a sacred sacramental worn around the neck by very devout Catholics. The scapula's sacredness is so acknowledged that many of us 'unworthy'Catholics, are even scared to touch, not to talk of wearing it.
So Boko Haram had allowed this Catholic girl  to wear this scapula for these three years of their captivity. Imam Shekau deserves a papal knighthood from Pope Francis for his role of the 'defensor fidei' (defender ofthe faith).
Not everybody has sawdust for grey matter'


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