
Adetoro Suleiman lavishes Tiwa Savage with praise


Days after her electrifying performance at 3Thrones music concert in Lagos,the organiser of the programme has taken to social media to lavish Tiwa Savage with praises.Below is what Adetoro Suleiman the CEO of Right Entertainment wrote:

"Professionalism seems effortless with you; Boundaries you broke with a cute smile; Heights you have attained yet the Humility within your Divine Personality is unequalled by any other. You are a Sister I pray for even in the next life.

Whatever you lay hands on, whatever you kneel and seek of God shall be granted beyond your imagination. You shall continue to create landmarks for your peers and the world to emulate. Jamil would grow into an enviable King because he is raised by a Great Queen. This is just the beginning. Thanks #TiwaEkoOniBaje tiwasavage"


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